Active Roster



Jewish Scouting Units

The Dallas Area is currently home to multiple scouting units specifically for the Jewish Community.  While non-Jewish youth are welcome to join any Scouting America or Girl Scouts of the USA scouting unit organized by the Jewish community, these troops, crews and packs bring together Jewish families and youth  and address the specific dietary, scheduling, ritual and community needs of Jewish scouts.  

Girl Scout Troop 5881

Girl Scout Troop 5881 is a community-wide multi-age troop for Jewish Daisy, Brownie and Junior girls (kindergarten - 5th grade). The troop is a part of Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas and Girl Scouts of the USA. The troop meets twice monthly on Sunday afternoons at Congregation Beth Torah in Richardson. Participating girls come from all Jewish backgrounds and experiences.  The troop provides kosher snacks and does not have activities on Shabbat. For more information contact troop leaders Naomi Vaknin and Frances Jameson at

Venturing Crew 790

Venturing Crew 790 is a co-ed scouting group for Jewish teens ages 14-20, with 13 year olds welcome as guests. Venturing is a program of Scouting America (BSA). The crew is part of the Northern Trail District and Circle Ten Council of Scouting America. Activities focus on service in the Jewish Community, Leadership, and High Adventure. Chartered by the Dallas Jewish Committee on Scouting, Crew 790 meets on Wednesdays once a month at Congregation Beth Torah in Richardson, and plans activities and trips throughout the year. For more information email

Cub Scout Pack 1818

Dallas Area families are currently exploring the possibility of rebuilding Cub Scout Pack 1818 for Jewish children in kindergarten through 5th grade. Cub Scouting is a program of Scouting America (BSA). The pack would be chartered by a Jewish Community organization and would hold monthly Sunday aftrenoon Pack Meetings at an area synagogue or other Jewish facility. Den meeting locations and frequency would be determined by the families in each den (grade level). If you are interested in learning more about Pack 1818 email

Tzofim Tzabar - Shevet Kochav

Tzofim Tzabar, a program run by the Friends of the Israel Scouts, Inc., is a youth movement for Israeli, Hebrew speaking children in North America. Weekly activities are planned and executed in local Shvatim (chapters) by high school youth leading kids grades 3-9. All activities are held in Hebrew. For more information about Tzofim in Dallas, contact the Rosh Shevet of Shevet Kochav, Eyal Ilan

Interested in offering a scouting program in your synagogue or school?  Interested in volunteering to support an established Jewish unit?  Contact DJCoS!
